

Ripples of Change

One most awesome thing a peer support specialist does is create ripples of change. We don't always have to pick up that huge boulder to toss in the water to help change happen but instead we change people's lives every day by both words and actions. Recovery happens. Expect Recovery.

But how should we start? That is a question that many of us hear, both internally about situations at work and from people who we are supporting. Many people try to do all the changes they want to have happen at once. Then plates are juggled and we move faster and faster as we realize that we need to another plate and then another. This also seems to be true in both our recovery journeys and in our work. 

Change happens. We can pick up a pebble and change has happened. It might not be all we want it to be but it has occurred. Sometimes we have to wait to see what will fill in the vacuum where the small pebble was. 

Try to enjoy the ripples of change. 


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